Pearl Jam su prije neku noć nastupili u Estádio Mineirão u Belo Horizonteu. U znak odavanja počasti žrtvama terorističkih napada u Parizu, al ii podrške kolegama iz Eagles of Death Metal na čijem koncertu su teroristi ubili najviše žrtava, Pearl Jam je obradio “I Want You So Hard”.
Osim njih na podugačkom koncertu, bend je obradio Beatlese, Pink Floyd, Neil Younga… Kako je izgledala set lista pogledajte u nastavku. Set List 01. Rain-(Lennon, McCartney) 02. Sometimes 03. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town 04. Go 05. Mind Your Manners 06. Once 07. Got Some 08. Rearviewmirror 09. Pilate 10. Even Flow 11. Infallible 12. Given To Fly 13. I’m Open 14. I Am Mine 15. Satan’s Bed 16. Deep 17. Jeremy 18. Why Go Encore Break 1 19. Bee Girl 20. Sleeping By Myself 21. Imagine-(Lennon) 22. Sirens 23. Do The Evolution 24. Want You So Hard 25. Corduroy 26. Mankind 27. Porch Encore Break 2 28. Eruption-Van Halen 29. Garden 30. Comfortably Numb-(Gilmour, Waters) 31. Lightning Bolt 32. Black 33. Sonic Reducer-(Bators, Blitz, Chrome, Magnum, Thomas, Zero) 34. Alive 35. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young) 36. Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing-(Hendrix)