Diana Krall najavila album


dianakrall_foto3_alex_barbuKanadska džezerka Diana Krall ušla je u studio sa T Bone Burnettom. Kako sama tvrdi izašla je iz njega sa “dance pločom”. Novi studijski materijal zove se “Glad Rag Doll” a Krallova je na svoju službenu SoundCloud stranicu postavila pjesmu “There Ain’t No Sweet Man That’s Worth the Salt of My Tears” kako bi znatiželjni mogli saznati kako zvuči njen “dance”. Album “Glad Rag Doll” izlazi 25. septembra putem Verve Records, a na njemu će se naći 12 novih pjesama:

We Just Couldn’t Say Goodbye
There Ain’t No Sweet Man That’s Worth the Salt of My Tears
Just Like A Butterfly That’s Caught in the Rain
You Know I Know Ev’rything’s Made for Love
Glad Rag Doll
I’m A Little Mixed Up
Prairie Lullaby
Here Lies Love
I Used to Love You But It’s All Over Now
Let It Rain
Lonely Avenue
Wide River to Cross
When The Curtain Comes Down